PT Astra Graphia Tbk Semarang Branch Hosts iPosyandu Education

On May 24, 2023, Astragraphia held a training regarding the use and utilization of the iPosyandu application for Posyandu Cempaka cadres, Semarang City, Central Java, who have been assisted by Astragraphia since 2022. The training took place at the Astragraphia Semarang branch office by presenting resource person Yuli Sulastri as the Chair of Cadre Edu Assessor Avicenna Astra Head Office, which at the same time is also active in fostering the Posyandu in Tangerang area.

Yuli Sulastri - Chief Cadre Edu Assessor Avicenna Astra gave an explanation and mentoring for iPosyandu education to cadres of Posyandu Cempaka, Semarang.

The iPosyandu training was also attended by the Astragraphia team from the Semarang branch, Surip Nugroho as Administration Head of the Semarang Branch, Zigrozora Krishy Aldodhery - System Analyst, Siti Ulin Tamaya - Work Control for the Semarang Branch, and Ninik Richantini - Secretary of the Semarang Branch. Meanwhile from the Astragraphia head office represented by Andhita Putri Ayuni, Dept. Head of Digital Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibilities and Anastasia Resinta – Corporate Communications.

The Corporate Communications team & the Astragraphia Semarang branch team took a group photo with the resource persons and Posyandu Cempaka cadres

Astragraphia memandang penting edukasi seputar kesehatan dan tumbuh kembang balita, sebagai bagian dari program pencegahan stunting balita. Komitmen Astragraphia dalam memberikan pendampingan bagi posyandu merupakan implementasi dari Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2 tentang Zero Hunger dan SDGs 3 tentang Good Health and Well-Being. Hal ini juga merupakan perwujudan dari budaya perusahaan Astragraphia “Valuable to the Nation and Life” atau Bermanfaat Bagi Bangsa dan Peri Kehidupan.

iPosyandu at a Glance

iPosyandu is a digital technology-based application, which was initiated by Astra in collaboration with Padjadjaran University as a center for data collection on the health of citizens ranging from pregnant and lactating women, toddlers to the elderly. Apart from making it easier to monitor residents' health, the iPosyandu training also aims to encourage Astragraphia-assisted Posyandu cadres to be more technologically literate. This kind of centralized data collection can also be used by cadres and local regional officials to take the necessary actions in terms of improving the health and welfare of residents. Ultimately the goal is to improve health services towards a healthier and more prosperous Indonesia.