Document Solutions
Document Solution provides products and services, a transformation from a hardware-based services provider into solution-based services covering all aspects of the document lifecycle, starting from input (creating, scanning, merging, editing, capturing), digital document management (sharing, indexing, storing, archiving, distributing), until document output (printing, faxing, scanning, copying, emailing, web-viewing).
Document Solution’s Portfolio:
- Enterprise Document Solution: Offering smart document management solutions for office segments, ranging from small, medium, to large office scales. The main products are Multi-Function Devices (MFD) and Laser Printers in the Single Function Printer (SFP) and Multi-Function Printer (MFP) categories, including consumables. Presenting digital (electronic) document starting from solutions that are already available on Multifunction Devices to additional solutions that allow customer to integrate Multifunction Devices with Company’s network, such as Print Management solutions, Workflow Management, Data Capture, Enterprise Content Management, Cloud-Based Solution, and Document Management System.
- Enterprise Document Solution & Services: Answering customer’s document management needs by improving the quality of document management in their business activities. Offering comprehensive solutions by integrating Astragraphia’s products and expertise, including Managed Print Services (improving customer productivity in document management and workflow processes), Document Outsourcing & Communication Services, and Business Process Services.
- Graphic Communication Services: Supporting the growth of customer business based on creative application development, by presenting best-in-class production printing technology solutions, starting from Pre-Press (end-to-end print production management software), Press (heavy duty digital laser and inkjet printer), to Post-Press (finishing solution).