Astragraphia has a violation reporting mechanism to receive reports of violations of this code of ethics through the Company’s oversight units. Any reports of alleged violations will be traced and followed up for improvement and prevention of recurrence of similar incidents.
Through units that are actively involved in supervision, particularly the Internal Audit Department and/or Human Capital Management & Services, Astragraphia has a working mechanism for conducting periodic audits and/or receiving reports from its employees or stakeholders in cases of irregularities or violations of Astragraphia’s code of conduct, business ethics, company regulations, articles of association, legal, and divulging of company secrets or trade secrets, and other violations which can be detrimental to Astragraphia as well as the stakeholders. Violation reports can also be submitted through the Employee Suggestion Box on the company’s intranet web portal.
Astragraphia provides protection for whistleblowers. After a review of the report and imposing the necessary sanctions, Astragraphia takes corrective actions deemed necessary to prevent the occurrence of similar violations in the future.
Complaints are submitted through the Employee Suggestion Box on the Astragraphia intranet web portal which is under the Human Capital Management & Services, and the whistleblowers are provided with protection for complaints submitted.
Violation reporting is managed by the Human Capital Management Department.