Green Collaboration for a Better Earth, PT Astra Graphia Tbk & PT Marga Mandalasakti Plant Trees

Team of PT Marga Mandalasakti & Team of PT Astra Graphia Tbk

On December 2, 2022 PT Astra Graphia Tbk (Astragraphia) held a tree planting ceremony in collaboration with PT Marga Mandalasakti (MMS) located at the East Balaraja Toll Gate. This event is the first step for sustainable tree planting which will be spread across several toll roads in the Balaraja area.

Apart from being a form of corporate social responsibility towards the environment, planting this tree is also a realization of Astragraphia's commitment regarding the Sustainability Framework & 2030 Aspiration, that sustainable development can be achieved one way or another by implementing Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) within the company.

The Astragraphia Team & the MMS Team jointly planted trees

Astragraphia was present at the tree planting ceremony represented by Halim Wahjana, Director of PT Astra Graphia Tbk, Satryo Dewandono - Chief on Business Strategy & Development and Corporate Communications, Henry Tedjakusuma - Chief of Human Capital Management & Service, Andhita Putri Ayuni - Dept. Head of Corporate Communications and the team. Corporate Communications. Meanwhile, representatives from PT Marga Mandalasakti consisted of Daniel Irawan, Director of Business Finance & Administration, Emon Sukarya, Kadep. Operations Management, Uswatun Hasanah, Kadep. CSR & Public Relations Management, Samsul Choir, Kadiv. Maintenance & Operations of PT Marga Mandalasakti, Maya Agung Dewandari, Kadiv. HR, General & EHS, Nur Indah Permanasari, Corporate Secretary and team.

Mr. Halim Wahjana talks with Mr. Daniel Irawan

Mr. Halim Wahjana, Director of PT Astra Graphia Tbk, in his speech said he was happy to collaborate with MMS, especially in efforts to reduce the greenhouse effect. He explained that from the planted trees there will be a carbon offset calculation as an action to eliminate CO2 emissions produced in one place by reducing emissions in another place. This is important to do because world carbon emissions continue to increase at an alarming level.

Mr. Halim Wahjana also added that as a public company, Astragraphia actively runs programs that intersect with the 4 pillars of CSR, namely health, education, environment, and entrepreneurship.

In line with the statement of Mr. Halim, Director of Business Finance & Administration of PT Marga Mandalasakti, Mr. Daniel Irawan welcomed Astragaphia's initiative to plant trees at the East Balaraja Toll Gate and its surroundings, "This tree planting movement is one of our many joint initiatives in achieving this initiative. ESG is to reduce greenhouse gases while at the same time conserving rare fruit plants."

This tree planting program is in line with the corporate culture "Valuable to the Nation and Life", that wherever Astragraphia is located will bring benefits to the community and the surrounding environment, while also supporting the Sustainable Development Goals/SDG 7 program concerning Affordable and Clean Energy and SDG 13 concerning Climate Action.