Astragraphia Wins the 2024 Best Corporate Transparency & Emission Reduction Award

Jakarta, 29 May 2024 – PT Astra Graphia Tbk (Astragraphia) won two awards, namely Transparency in Reducing Corporate Emissions in the Green Category and Transparency in Calculation of Corporate Emissions in the Gold Category from Investortrust media. The award ceremony was held at the Aryaduta Hotel, Menteng, Central Jakarta, which was attended by the CEO of Investortrust, Primus Dorimulu and the Founder of Bumi Global Karbon (BGK), Deni Daruri. At this event, Astragraphia was represented directly by Trivena Nalsalita as Director of PT Astra Graphia Tbk.

In this corporate emissions assessment, Investortrust collaborates with Bumi Global Karbon (BGK) to help see the calculation and reduction of company emissions based on the data contained in the sustainability report published in 2023 and available on the official website of each company.

This award is proof of the company's performance achievements which can be a motivation for improving performance as well as a concrete form of company support for achieving national and international emission reduction targets.