Astragraphia supported and attended the opening of the solo photo exhibition “Le Mystére de Mural” by senior photojournalist Hasiholan Siahaan XIV on May 2 2023. The photographs exhibited at the Wijaya Indonesian Institute of Français (IFI) South Jakarta are mural photos and graffiti from various corners of cities in Indonesia and abroad that have memories and stories.
The opening ceremony of the Hasiholan Siahaan photo exhibition was attended directly by King Iriawan Sutanto as Director of PT Astra Graphia Tbk, Satryo Dewandono as Chief of Business Strategy & Development and Corporate Communications of PT Astra Graphia Tbk, Charlotte Esnou as Cultural Attache of the French Embassy, and Syarah H. Andriani Head of IFI Wijaya Branch.
In the exhibition, 70 photo posters were exhibited and printed using the Fujifilm Revoria PressTM PC1120 machine. Mr. King said, “Astragraphia's business focus in the fields of printing and digital is very much aligned with and close to the world of the creative industry, which also includes photo journalists. We always appreciate their work and on this occasion we give appreciation to Mr. Hasiholan in his mural photo work which is documented so that this work can be enjoyed by a wider community.”
Mr. Hasiholan Siahaan XIV (right) explaining the mural photo work to Mr. King Iriawan Sutanto (left) and Mr. Satryo Dewandono (center)
Unlike works of art on canvas, murals are destined to have a short life because a mural painting must always be ready if a new image is overwritten at any time. Mr. Hasiholan's initiative to document mural works is important and deserves appreciation because documentation through photos is able to make the mural's message that is voiced by the artist and also has artistic value can be listened to and enjoyed longer and more widely.
Le Mystére de Mural means the mystery of murals, where according to Mr. Hasiholan murals or graffiti must have their own meaning, therefore murals or graffiti need to be documented in order to have a long life. "Frequently, murals cannot be seen by many people because they occupy a hidden place, such as under a flyover that is rarely passed by people," said Hasiholan.