Yogyakarta, a Special Region that is rich in culture and creativity, is the aim of holding the Astragraphia Class for Creative Indonesia (ASIK Class) on October 4 2023 at the National Industrial Design Center (PDIN) Jl. C. Simanjuntak, Kemantren, Kec. Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta City.
Indiana Ulfah Sitompul, Business Application Designer PT Astra Graphia Tbk interacts with Yogyakarta ASIK Class MSMEs
Yogyakarta ASIK Class MSME participants answered questions from ASIK Class resource persons
A total of 42 MSMEs in the culinary, fashion and craft sub-sectors attended the training with the theme 'Kemasan Ayu, Dodolan Payu' which presented three resource persons with discussions regarding the development of MSMEs and creative packaging.
Wahyudi, Branch Manager of PT Astra Graphia Tbk Semarang poses with Yohan Gunawan, Owner of Explora
This ASIK class is a collaboration between Astragraphia and Harian Jogja in order to create MSMEs that are more competitive, go-online and move up in class. Apart from providing training, Astragraphia, through its graphic art partner Explora, also provides free printing facilities for stickers, labels, etc. which are printed using Fujifilm machines.
Drs. Tri Karyadi Riyanto Raharjo, S.H., M.Si., Head of the Yogyakarta City Department of Industry, Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, gave material on 'Yogyakarta City MSME Development Policy'
The presentation on 'Yogyakarta City MSME Development Policy' was the material for the initial ASIK Class session, presented by Drs. Tri Karyadi Riyanto Raharjo, S.H., M.Si as Head of the Yogyakarta City Department of Industry, Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises. Then continued with the second session material 'Attractive Packaging Makes Consumers Glance' by Indiana Ulfah Sitompul, Business Application Designer PT Astra Graphia Tbk who provided inspiration regarding attractive packaging to attract the eyes of potential consumers. And the final session was filled by Ani Susanti and Wahyudi Antoro with tips regarding 'Beautiful Packaging that can Increase Turnover.'
On this occasion Wahyudi, Branch Manager of PT Astra Graphia Tbk Semarang said that Yogyakarta was chosen as the destination city because it is synonymous with a creative city. "If we talk about the industries in Jogja, they are tourism, hospitality and education. We are also quite surprised that when we talk about MSMEs, there are an extraordinary number of them, there are around 13,000 MSMEs in Yogya. We think this should make a positive contribution. This activity is expected to increase awareness "MSME friends in Jogja City to create branding in terms of packaging and labeling. So that the value of the product can increase. We want MSMEs to move up in class. If MSMEs move up in class, economic revenue will grow."
Through ASIK Class training, MSMEs increasingly understand the importance of attractive packaging displays to attract the interest of potential consumers. Moreover, with the presence of digital printing technology, packaging printing such as stickers, labels, and so on can be done with minimum quantities, thereby reducing production costs.