Astragraphia Cares for MSMEs in Eastern Indonesia, Holds Gorontalo ASIK Class

(Left-right) Mahmud Buyung S. Panto – Owner of Mufidah Terminal Print, Helly Mangundap – Head of Empowerment and Development of Small Business Cooperatives, Department of UMKM Cooperatives, Industry and Trade, Gorontalo Province, Nurul Mutia Putram – Owner of Mufidah Terminal Print, and Ferdi Ekajaya Branch Manager of PT Astra Graphia Tbk Manado.

PT Astra Graphia Tbk (Astragraphia) held the first ASIK Class (Astragraphia Class for Creative Industries) in the Eastern Indonesia region, namely Gorontalo, which was attended by 70 MSMEs. This event was held on August 16 2024 together with the Gorontalo Province Department of UMKM Cooperatives, Industry and Trade (Diskumperindag) and Mufidah Terminal Print at Graha Mufidah, Gorontalo.

"We really appreciate the ASIK Class activities to increase the capacity and quality of Gorontalo MSMEs. "The regional government is taking part in supporting creative economy actors, which is stated in PP Number 7 of 2021 which was prepared to carry out the transformation of MSMEs," said Helly Mangundap, Head of the Small Business Cooperative Empowerment and Development Division of the Gorontalo Province Diskumperindag.

Ferdi Ekayaja as Branch Manager of PT Astra Graphia Tbk Manado said "The Gorontalo ASIK Class is the first ASIK Class in the Sulawesi region, this is clear proof that Astragraphia cares about creative creative actors by providing knowledge about branding and packaging that can make Gorontalo MSMEs go online and move up in class. ”

Indana Ulfah Sitompul, Business Application Designer PT Astra Graphia Tbk presented the material "Attractive Packaging, Bring in Profit".

According to Diskumperindag data, the development of MSMEs in Gorontalo has increased rapidly by up to 28%. This increase adds to the challenges of creative economy (ekraf) actors in marketing and selling their products, in line with the theme of the Gorontalo ASIK Class, "Beautiful Packaging, Consumers Glance" by bringing three different materials , namely:

  1. Session 1: The role of government in the development of MSMEs in Gorontalo as explained by Diskumperindag
  2. Session 2: Beautiful packaging brings profits explained by Indana Ulfa Sitompul, Business Application Designer PT Astra Graphia Tbk
  3. Session 3: Designing packaging according to needs explained by Nurul Mutia Putram, Mudifah Terminal Print

In the final session, participants were invited to tour the Mufidah Print Terminal to see the pre-press, press and post-press processes in producing packaging.

Nurul Mutia Putram - Owner of Mufidah Terminal Print explains the packaging making process.

The enthusiasm of the participants was represented by Mutiara Maliki (28), owner of the UMKM Mutfood which produces processed skipjack tuna and frozen food. Mutiara, Chair of the Gorontalo City MSME Association, said that the event was cool. He felt he had new knowledge after attending the ASIK Gorontalo Class. "As a Gorontalo person, I am very proud of this event because we were included in this activity. Hopefully the event will be more successful and more successful for Astragraphia and Mufidah Terminal Print," he said.

Photo with the Astragraphia Team, Mufidah Terminal Print with the participants (MSMEs) of the Gorontalo ASIK Class.